Oxidative Stress: How Our Bodies Rust

Aug 28, 2023

In the pursuit of a healthier, more vibrant life, our bodies harbour a complex system of processes that deserve our attention. One such process, oxidative stress, plays a pivotal role in both the ageing journey and the emergence of various health issues. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to understand oxidative stress, its impact, and explore innovative techniques that seek to mitigate its effects for a revitalised life.

Oxidative Stress: A Rusting Phenomenon

Our body's tissues are like a finely tuned engine, fuelled by the oxygen that they receive. But what happens when this supply falls short? Oxygen accumulates in the bloodstream, and fails to leave, akin to how a car rusts when left exposed to the elements. This surplus oxygen in the blood stream triggers what scientists refer to as oxidative stress - an internal rusting process that not only accelerates ageing but also lays the groundwork for various diseases.

Intermittent Hypoxic Training

In the realm of wellness innovation, Intermittent Hypoxic Training has emerged as potential game-changer and recent research has shed light on it’s ability to combat oxidative stress through it’s effects of carbon dioxide levels and oxygen distribution throughout the body.

Studies suggest that subjecting the body to controlled periods of slightly reduced oxygen levels and increased carbon dioxide levels prompts the body's natural adaptive mechanisms. This response enhances the efficient delivery of oxygen to cells, effectively counteracting the negative impacts of oxidative stress. Rather than letting oxygen accumulate in the bloodstream, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood stream, caused by breath holds, help the body to optimise its oxygen distribution, leading to heightened energy production within cells.

The experiences of participants who've embraced these techniques are noteworthy. Elevated energy levels, improved sleep quality, and a renewed enthusiasm for life have become the hallmark of their journeys. By addressing the root cause of oxidative stress and promoting effective oxygen utilisation at the cellular level, this method offers a simple yet effective approach at improving overall well-being.


As we dive into the intricacies of our body's inner workings, oxidative stress emerges as a crucial factor that significantly influences our health and longevity. Through Intermittent Hypoxic Training like found in SOMA Breath (find our sessions here), we witness the power of science-backed techniques in alleviating oxidative stress's impact. The journey towards a revitalised life involves understanding these processes and embracing innovative solutions that pave the way for a healthier, more energetic tomorrow.