Discovering Ikigai: My Journey to a More Fulfilling Life

Sep 11, 2023

In Japan there is an amazing concept that has captured the imagination of people around the world - ikigai.

At its core, ikigai represents the intersection of four fundamental elements: what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. It's a sweet spot where passion, profession, vocation, and mission converge, creating a sense of purpose and fulfilment.


1. What You Love:

Your ikigai begins with your passions and interests. It's about identifying the activities and experiences that ignite a fire within you. These are the things that make you lose track of time, where you find joy and fulfilment in the process itself.

For me, this realisation came after leaving behind a high-stress job that I wasn't passionate about. The business world, with its long hours, difficult partners, focus on profit only and constant pressure, was taking a toll on my well-being. It became clear that this path was not in alignment with my true self. I didn’t love what I did which meant life didn’t flow and it wasn’t fun.


2. What You're Good At:

Your ikigai is also tied to your strengths and talents. This is where your skills shine, where you excel effortlessly. Recognising and nurturing your abilities is crucial in aligning with your ikigai.

During periods of self-reflection and exploration, I became increasingly interested in holistic health practices like breathwork, qigong, and bio-hacking. These were not only things that  I was really passionate about but also areas where my strengths truly shone. It was evident that these practices had the potential to make a meaningful impact on other people's lives, not just my own.


3. What the World Needs:

The world is filled with challenges and opportunities. Your ikigai finds its purpose when you contribute to something greater than yourself. It's about making a positive impact on society, whether it's through your work, your actions, or your creations.

Making the shift from a high-stress business path to a holistic health practitioner wasn't easy, but it is a decision that aligned with what I love, what I am good at and importantly what the world truly needed. In an era of stress, anxiety, and disconnection, people are seeking ways to heal and find inner peace. It became evident that my newfound path aligned with this pressing need for greater collective health and balance..


4. What You Can Be Paid For:

While passion and purpose are vital, economic sustainability is also an important part of the equation. Your ikigai should ideally align with the practical aspect of earning a living. It ensures that your passion and purpose can be sustained over time.

As I work with clients and witness the positive changes in their lives, I experience a level of fulfilment that I have never known before. It feels great to make a tangible difference in the world, one person at a time, and to be rewarded for it. It is in these moments that I feel deeply connected, purposeful, and truly happy.



My journey to find my ikigai has been transformative, and it serves as a reminder that fulfilment and purpose are within reach for each of us. By aligning with what we love, what we're good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for, we can unlock a life that resonates with our true selves.

Today, as a holistic health practitioner, I wake up each day with a sense of purpose and go to bed each night with a feeling of accomplishment. My life is a testament to the power of living in alignment with your truth, strengths, and ikigai, and I wouldn't have it any other way.